Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dan Mangan - Basket

A friend of mine recently commented that she hadn't heard a lot of great west coast music lately, at least not compared to the amount of great stuff coming out of the east these days. This, of course, is largely due to the fact that we are here living in the east, and not the west, but just the same, it has been somewhat noticeable. One guy who certainly sticks out from the left coast, though, is Vancouver's Dan Mangan. I must give Jenna credit for this find some months ago, and since then he's toured out east and has garnered quite a reputation as an honest performer. There's something to be said about music that seems to emanate from the soul. A great performer can often make a mediocre song sound good. Mr. Dan doesn't have to worry too much about this, though, because his songs are already pretty darn good. This live performance sold me on him, it might sell you too.

I also recommend this one.

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