Saturday, May 1, 2010

Owen Steel - Twig Eater

Was listening to my man Jason do an interview yesterday, and one of the things he talked about was the value of community. That's probably why I've enjoyed Fredericton for so long, is because of its very strong links to each other, particularly amongst the artists and musicians of this city. Certainly things like the Capital and the Market and even the more recent emergence of Feels Good have helped this, but I think it's mostly attributable to the good people who live here.

I also think it's a tribute to the community that so many local artists and musicians seem to be branching out and thriving these days, and Owen Steel is no exception. Tall, quiet, unassuming, and a bit on the thin side of things, he's an exceptional songwriter and performer and I'm sure the best is yet to come. Thanks to Christine for sending me this link, it's a great performance from the Streaming Cafe in Kelowna, BC. That's Mike Humble, aka Mumble, on the box.

Check out Fergus' moose video featuring the studio cut here.

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